Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Why our government doesn't work is probably an endless topic, but let’s start with lobbyists.

Once upon a time we were told that lobbyists were wonderful --like advertising--

in that they helped our legislators with information and ideas. Well baloney,

that was just spin to cover the real reason. MONEY AND FAVOR.

Case in point: There are currently over 3,300 lobbyists spreading so far this year $263 million

for health related issues according to the Center for Responsible Politics.

Senator Max Baucus, architect of the proposed health care bill,is a top recipient of

campaign contributions ( legal bribes) reported to be $1.2 million for his 2008 re-election from health industries ( pharmacuetical and insurance companies).

Senator Chuck Grassley (R Iowa) feathered his nest with $2.1 million health industry money.

According to article A Well-oiled Influence Machine by Andy Kroll,

Loosening up lawmakers with lobbying and campaign donations is one way in the door; having worked for them doesn't hurt, either. According to the Sunlight Foundation, five former Baucus staffers - two of whom are former chiefs of staff - now lobby or work for major players in the health-care debate, including the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (which outright opposes the House's promising health-care legislation that includes a public option) and drug makers Wyeth, Merck, and AstraZeneca. Similarly, all but one of the Finance Committee's 10 Republican members have ties to former staffers now lobbying for health-care-related companies and organizations.

Health care may be the most striking example of what's been going on in Obama-era Washington, but this sort of lobbying onslaught actually extends to Obama's whole agenda. Almost 2,400 lobbyists are, for instance, working on financial industry-related issues like the White House's proposed financial-regulation and consumer-protection reforms. Influential players, among them the US Chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable, have already spent a staggering $222 million on lobbying in just the first half of 2009. The Chamber of Commerce, in particular, ranks first this year in finance-related lobbying (total spending: $26.2 million; total number of lobbyists employed: 167). A senior director for the Chamber of Commerce, which vehemently opposes a White House-proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency that would consolidate authority over credit cards, mortgages, loans, and other consumer products into one centralized regulator, pulled no punches in a comment offered to Reuters: ‘We are working to kill the bill’”.

Healthcare legislation is not really about providing health care. It is about the

care and feeding of insurance, pharmaceutical, and research organizations.

With the swollen roles of the unemployed many more cannot afford the exorbitant cost of “modern’ health care; yet the proposed health care legislation would mandate that they purchase insurance or pay a fine of up to $3,800. Government would solve this by giving them tax credit for income taxes that they don’t pay because they don’t have any income.

This health care fiasco started with LBJ’s “Great Society” when the government got involved in the medical business. Before that health care was reasonable and could be afforded by the average or even below average citizen.

George W. Obama hasn’t a clue about providing for the well being of the people., he just talks and makes promises he doesn't keep.

Socialism and government regulation makes medicines and services priced beyond the reach of the average American and serves to enrich special interests.

With Love and Kindness,


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