Wednesday, September 16, 2009


REF:The best congress AIPAC can buy -Phillip Giraldi 9.03.09

"56 congrssmen traveled to Israel during first 2 weeks of August with spouces paid for

AIPAC American Israel Public Affairs Commitee House Minority whip Eric Cantor headed the Republican group and House Majority leader Steny Hoyer led the Democrats.

Cantor and Hoyer are longtime enthusiasts for Israel and all its wor

“The August congressional junkets were paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation, which is a non-profit foundation that is part of AIPAC. The non-profit foundation part means that the trip to convince already acquiescent congressmen that Israel needs more aid and special treatment was more-or-less subsidized by the US taxpayer. Taking congressmen to Israel to make sure they understand the issues properly is not exactly new, but the scale and seniority of the recent visits sent a clear message to President Barack Obama that he should not pressure Israel in any way or he will face bipartisan opposition, opposition that he will not be able to overcome. It appears that Obama might have already received the message loud and clear if the rumors that he will harden his line on Iran and soften his approach to Tel Aviv to permit Israeli settlement expansion are true."

REF: LRC Blog 9.14.09-- Jim Traficant speaks out

"For too long, policies that support Israeli militarism and occupation have gone unchallenged. Political voices raising even minor disagreements with prevailing policies are silenced or subject to campaigns of intimidation. We must open the door to full debate regarding U.S. relationship with Israel and U.S. policy with other countries in the region."

Though we will be labeled as “anti-semite” for speaking out against the influence of Israel on our foreign and domestic policies,we are not anti-Jews. God said:" I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you” Certainly we believe that and further that our salvation is a spiritual branch from that promised to the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But, we are against the untoward bought and paid for influence that the Israel state has upon our government and public opinion.

We have been led into bloody conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan,and other nation interference by this powerful Israel force.

With Love and Kindness,


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