Are you a good listener or just sort of?
From:Ten Types of Lousy Listeners
By: Desktop Diva
"Everyone talks about communication as the key to successful relationships. The thing is, what we think of as communication is usually just expression—being able to say what we feel, or get a message across. Expression is only half of the communication process. The other half is listening, and understanding what others communicate to us. And that is, indeed, the more difficult part.
Listening is a skill, and one that gets more and more difficult to master the older you get (or the smarter you think you’ve become). With the development of any skill, the first step to improvement is to have a good understanding of what you can do—or stop doing —in order to get better"
The Daydreamer
You pretend to listen but really tune the other person out. Instead of concentrating on the input, you switch your mental remote to a more entertaining program..
The Judge
You don’t pay attention because you’ve already pre-judged the speaker as wrong, stupid, incompetent, or simply beneath you.
he Egocentric
You take everything people tell you and refer it back to your own experience. Someone’s talking about back pains, and that reminds you about the time you couldn’t get up for two days. You launch into your story before they can finish theirs.
The Problem Solver
You don’t have to hear more than a few sentences to begin searching for the right advice, and telling the speaker what to do. However, while you are coming up with solutions, you fail to hear the whole story, and sometimes miss what is most important.
Mr. Right
You go to great lengths (twist the facts, start shouting, make excuses or accusations, call up past sins) to avoid being pegged as wrong or guilty. You can’t listen to criticism, you can’t be corrected, and you can’t take suggestions to change.
The Derailer
You change the topic or derail the train of conversation when you get uncomfortable or bored with what’s being said. The most common way of derailing is by joking.
The Teacher’s Pet
You agree with everything, and nod your head supportively because you want people to like you. You may half-listen just enough to get the drift, but you are not really involved.
The Lawyer
You don’t listen because you’re too busy designing and preparing your next comment. You look interested, but your mind is going a mile a minute because you are thinking about what to say next.
The Filter
You hear only what you want to hear, and screen out everything else.
Do you know any of these listeners? Surely you are not one of them, you are probably an attentive nterested listener, BUT THEN ON THE OTHER HAND . . .
With Love and Kindness,
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