One of our favorites, Don Stott, wrote a clever article this week, reminding us that today's taxes were not always here. The saying 'nothing is certain
except death and taxes' is only part right. The establishment (read: 'The Powers That Be') who own and control our country and government need
the tax revenue so they can regulate and enforce their dictums on us poor slobs who provide their money.
Ref.: "It'sBroke" by Don Stott --Colorado Gold.com 9.10.09
"Tax his tractor, tax his mule.
Teach him taxes are the rule.
Tax his work, tax his pay.
He works for peanuts anyway.
Tax his cow, tax his goat,
tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirt,
tax his work, tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco, tax his drink,
tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his cigars, tax his beers,
and if he cries, tax his tears.
Tax his car, tax his gas,
and find other ways to tax his ass.
Tax all he has, then let him know,
that you won't be done till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers, tax him more.
Tax him till he's good and sore,
then tax his coffin, tax his grave,
and tax the sod in which he's laid.
Put these words upon his tomb:
Taxes drove me to my doom.
When he's gone, don't relax.
It's time to apply the inheritance tax."
(Author not known)
"The following taxes didn't exist a hundred years ago, but the evilness of politicians has placed all of them on us without our permission or vote of approval. To say that Americans are being strangled, is a mild understatement. These are just some of those taxes:
Accounts receivable, building permit, CDL, driver's license, cigarette, corporate, dog license, excise, federal income, federal unemployment, fishing license, food license, fuel permit, gasoline, gross receipts, hunting license, inheritance, inventory, IRS interest and penalties, liquor, luxury, marriage license, Medicare, personal property, property, real estate, service charges, social security, road usage, sales, recreational vehicle, school, state income, state unemployment, telephone exercise, telephone federal universal service, fees, charges, and surcharge taxes by the hundreds probably, including registering all vehicles, boats, planes, and motorcycles. Utility, well permit, workers comp., watercraft registration, and the list is not complete.
A hundred years ago, our nation was the most prosperous, wealthiest nation in the world. We had no national debt, the largest middle class in the world, and mom stayed home to raise the kids. We invented more, manufactured more, and exported more, than most of the rest of the world combined. Now, we owe the most, and are so far in debt, that it is un-payable, other than printing press, worthless scrip, since it is over $100,000,000,000. Politicians of both parties have squandered our wealth, prosperity, and happiness. Our gold backed dollars are a faint memory, as is silver coinage. Our inner cities are wrecked, and we have a huge underclass, which never existed a hundred years ago. There was no welfare, public housing, or handouts of any kind, before 1932, when FDR was elected with a huge majority. Obama has been elected with a huge majority, and is following FDR's footsteps exactly, and seemingly trying to finish the job of total destruction of our once grand nation.”
With Love and Kindness,
P.S. If you are still wondering why we invaded Iraq ( twice) and Afghanistan and our armies remain there as well as at over 100 locations around the globe,see:”Carlyle Group=Military Industrial Complex=Bankrupt Nation”--Economicedge.blogspot.com
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