REF: "Earth on the Verge of a New Ice Age" by Gregory F. Fegal. www. Lew 1/14/09
That the planet earth is entering a new cold cycle should not be such a startling bit of information, for after all these cycles have been around for a very long time . We, the earth, that is, has been in a Halocene period of warmth for the past 12,000 years, and
now it is time for things to get colder. Real cold; in fact a new ice age expected to last for 100,000 years.
How do they know this? Mostly from core samples taken from the ocean floor, which revealed an alternating climate of 100,000 years of cold (ice age) interrupted by periods of 12,000 warm years. There are several explanations, all relating to the earth's changes in shape and orbit. More specific information is contained in the referenced article.
But what about burning of fossil fuels? Doesn't this change everything? Isn't modern man destroying his world with carbon emissions? Probably not , at least from the perspective of several hundred thousand years. The "global warming" scam was based upon questionable data and interpretation taken over far too short of a period of time. Objective scientists, my foot.
What does have merit in this discussion is the preponderance or lack thereof of sun spots or explosions and eruptions on the surface of the Sun. Tracking these has led
to the correlation between the lack of sun spots to the ice age and/or periods of much colder climate.
Observations in the last few years have shown a dramatic reduction in the solar surface activity; thus suggesting strongly that we, the earth's inhabitants are in for
a real chilly time. But what is worse, our food supplies are threatened with this
phenomenon. On top of the crazy weather in 2009, we can expect shortages running to the severe in the near future.
With Love and Kindness,
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