Americans are uncertain whether government snooping is an invasion of privacy or for the good of the nation.
As long as this doubt remains they will be the willing victim of their 'masters'. Most people believe a fascist state begins at the point of a bayonet--not true; it begins with
misinformation, spin and covert surveillance. Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Stalin's Russia and Mao's China all have or had this common characteristic: People watching each other. A police state cannot remain without people censoring each other. By spying on one another they enslave themselves.
There are no federal troops on the street, so clearly we are still free-- not realizing
the tyranny that is building here.
Modern China a perfect example of collectivism is no accident. It was designed and paid for by Western interests as part of their one world concept.
Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.
-David Rockefeller, New York Times, August 10, 1973
All over the world, programs are being instituted to acclimate people towards a more collectivist way of thinking. We are being gradually led into believing that the group is more important than the individual; therefore the individual must sacrifice his independence, or even his life, for the good of the whole. This is evident in social programs, political rhetoric, and even television and film.
A collectivist society requires a uniformity of thinking or a common held threat or enemy such as terrorism. Once this thinking has become commonplace through mass media pronouncements, the end is near.
Government surveilance and mandates are easily accepted when they are presented as necessary for national security or other misleading reasons. The Department Of Homeland Security have for years been pushing the U.S. to adopt a national ID card. We are told: they would be just like a driver's license; they wouldn't be mandatory [at first]; they will protect you from identity theft.
The new cards such as as in the United Kingdom and China have a RFID chip, fingerprint data and in the future eye retina data. When passed in front of RFID cameras, the data is read and fed into computers.
Wake up America. Your time as free men is getting shorter
With Love and Kindness,
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