We have been ambushed by a Osama bin Laden planned snare. bin Laden a pupil and protege of Sheik Abdullah Azzam came into prominence during the war to rid communism from Afghanistan and received U.S. support in the 1980's as part of the Cold War. In those days if you were against Soviet Russia or China you were for us.
What Azzam preached, according to Eric Margolis in " Osama: 10, US: 0", www.LewRockwell.com was: "when we have driven the Communist imperialists
from Afghanistan, we will go on and drive the American imperialists from Arabia and the rest of the Muslim world." That statement sounded like nonsense to Western ears, since we had no enemies except the Communists and certainly no imperialistic aims.
But of course we were not the oppressed; but following the British, through support and intrigue, we had installed tyrants as kings and prime ministers over Middle East nations to insure our continued supply of oil, and support for the anti-Muslim tiny country of Israel.
Why is it people don't want us to mess in their affairs? Don't they want freedom and democracy? Or at least the kind we install through Vichy style governments.?
"Azzam was murdered in 1989, likely by Western intelligence. His pupil, Osama, launched a seemingly quixotic mission to overthrow the western-backed dictatorships and monarchies that misruled the Muslim world, and drive western power from the region."
"Bin Laden proclaimed his grand strategy in the 1990’s. He would oust the modern "Crusaders’ by luring the US and its allies into a series of small, debilitating, hugely expensive wars to bleed and slowly bankrupt the US economy, which he called America’s Achilles’ heel." In one of his 'messages' to the West he boasted that he could put one muslim dressed in white out in the desert saying "al Qaeda" and we would launch an all out mechanized assault with air support to sterilize the area.
Osama's planned bloody attacks would enrage the mighty U.S. and lure us Into
one military disaster after another. Our leadership , already possessed by the spirit of
the neocons fell willingly into his predicted scenerio.
"Today, Osama’s words haunt us as we witness hysteria and chaos engulf America’s air travel system, the war party in Washington demands the US invade Yemen, and the drums beat for war against Iran.
The American colossus continues to stumble ever deeper into the Muslim world’s violent, tangled affairs at a time when Washington is bankrupt and only runs on [foreign] . . . loans. But Washington managed to spend . . [X] $ billion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by loading the costs onto the national credit card.
American soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. US Special Forces, air units and CIA mercenaries are involved in combat operations in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, West Africa, North Africa and the Philippines. A new US base at Djibouti is launching raids into Yemen, Somalia and northern Kenya. US forces aided the failed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia in 2006. New US bases are planned in oil-producing West Africa and also in Colombia.
The Red Sea littoral is America’s next major headache. Somalia’s anti-western Shebab movement controls much of that nation’s south and center. Yemen is a hotbed of jihadist activity that increasingly threatens neighboring Saudi Arabia, a vital American ally. Somali pirates could turn from plunder to striking at other western interests.
As soon as the US or its satraps crush one anti-western jihadist group, another springs up somewhere else.
Washington is quietly engineering the breakup of troubled Sudan, Africa’s largest nation, in order to dominate South Sudan’s important oil resources and undermine the regime in Khartoum which Washington has marked for termination.
Al-Qaida is no longer the tiny organization founded by Osama bin Laden that never numbered more than 300 hard-core members. It has morphed into a worldwide movement of like-minded but independent, revolutionary, anti-American groups that share Osama’s militant philosophy. This is precisely the kind of 'asymmetrical warfare' the Pentagon has so long feared."
Meanwhile our world improvers blunder on helping to bankrupt our country on these anything but "just wars".
With Love and Kindness,
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