Wednesday, January 6, 2010


As Charlie Madison in "The Americanization of Emily" so eloquently explained, war is fact. That there will always be a general, diplomat, tyrant or other blood lusting creature proposing war and in most cases they will be successful in starting wars;

but what is shameful about war is the praise for the killing, maiming and death. We

honor our dead, praise their bravery and lump it all into "valor". We ignore the reality of it, wave flags and cheer our boys on to their death and dismemberment. In a nutshell, war is death, peace is life.

REF:"Understanding the Unserious Empire" by Karen Kwiatkowski--


"Many Americans operate blind to the machinations of American foreign policy. Of those who do pay attention, most miss, or are unaware, of the fundamental context of American empire. For example, a poll last May indicated that 87% of Americans are "concerned about the security of nuclear weapons in Pakistan" as Taliban fundamentalism gains popularity there. Forget for a moment the role of American Anti-communist policy in the proliferation of nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan. Please ignore the hundreds of billions of dollars in military and political aid granted Pakistan in the modern era. Kindly disregard the history of American involvement in Pakistani politics, invariably supporting U.S. compliant and corrupt military dictatorships and working diligently to destabilize and threaten elected, less controllable Pakistani leaders. US intelligence agencies and our Pakistani dictator at the time immediately blamed the 2007 assassination of electoral hopeful Benazir Bhutto on former US ally and anti-communist partner, the infamous Taliban."

"But we cannot use incompetent, idiotic, or reluctant to describe our modern global empire. Each of these terms imply that if only our empire was competent, if only it was more intelligent or thoughtful, if only it were more willing to embrace its familial or educational responsibilities, the empire would work, be worthwhile, and pay off."

"Today, in the wake of an ill-kept recession lengthening and deepening each week, military pay far exceeds that available to inevitably poorly educated high school graduates in the civilian world. These modern soldiers are not reading much, including Army Field Manual 3-24 . . . Current soldiers see their future civilian employment options ranging from grim to downright depressing. There is no need for a Fugitive Slave Act, or a draft, when our American helots recognize that they have no place to go. The officers who do not leave early, stay on for pay as well, biding their moral instincts and their time for 20 or 25 years. Does the military on the ground really believe in [Counter Insurgency]? Or is it just the politicians and the media?"

So it comes down to dollars and cents. Job or no job, money in their pockets. A mercenary army for an undeclared empire.

With Love and Kindness,


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