RE:"Obama's Alternate Universe" by Scott Ritter, www.Truthdigcom, 1/8/10
Leave it to Scott Ritter to uncover the truth for us. This ones been there all the time, but without all the spin and misdirection and eloquency coming from the DC gang and their fellow travelers at ABC. CBS, NBC, CNN, and the Christian Right, we haven't seen through all of the smoke. But nobody pays attention to what Scott Ritter,
former Marine intelligence officer and Iraq weapons inspector says.
Entering into the seventh and ninth years respectively Iraq and Afghanistan engagements [wars] " have consumed America's attention, treasure and blood without producing anything resembling a tangible victory.
"What exactly constitutes the “war on terror” has never been adequately defined and, as a result, the United States has been, and continues to be, militarily involved in other regions as well, including Somalia, Kenya, the Philippines and, increasingly, Yemen. The American people today are fatigued, and while their political leadership promises to lead the nation out of the long, dark tunnel of conflict, there continues to be no light emerging in the distance, only the ever-darkening shadows of wars without end or purpose."
The truth is we don't have any way to resolve these conflicts that gives the American people a sense of victory. But why do we get into these irreconcilable messes?
Regardless of what rhetoric the Powers That Be chooses to hide behind, the underlying characteristic that continues to define America’s Mideast policy is regime change. It is not the policy that is subject to debate in Washington, D.C.,but the method. Whether it be CIA assignations, death squads, incitement to riot or military support and/or intervention, we are busy all over the world trying to place and replace leadership.
Are we trying to place the nice leaders and displace the bad? That doesn't even get considered. What the criteria is is whether they will accept our bribes[foreign aid] and do our bidding or oppose us.
The drum beat for attacking Iran results not so much as their anti-America posture, but as a consequence of our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan plus political pressures at home from the sympathetic to Israel factions. Still and yet the theme behind our foreign policy is regime change and we would like to do it in Iran as well as elsewhere.
With Love and Kindness,
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