Thursday, December 24, 2009


The quote of the year: ". . .it's easy to see why any attempt at health

Insurance reform would be met with some degree of hope. Unfortunately,

President Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress are about to take

a very bad system and make it unimaginably worse." Peter Schiff, 12/22/09

These improvers in their zest to even the playing field have created a law that will prevent any insurance company from denying health insurance coverage for any pre-existing condition. Wow what a zinger! That's like requiring fire insurers to insure a burning building.

Interfering with free market practice (or socialism to give it its' proper name) never has worked and never will. The very first result of this mis-legislation will be a will be gargantuan premium increases. The second result will be health insurance companies going out of business or geting bailout funding. Making healthcare insurers a ward of the Federal Government like General Motors and Chrysler.

Do these government minions not know what they are doing? Of course they do. They hate Free Enterrprise and Capitalism because these systems are not fair--they don't distribute the wealth equally. [They don't buy votes either] Some individuals might escape the benefit of this windfall legislation, so the bill mandates fines of up to $750 for those who fail to purchase this coverage.

To make sure that the creators of these socialistic programs are above any

prejudice, they exempt themselves from compliance, as they ride around in their chauffeured limousines and jet planes.

Comrade Senator and comrade Representative in politburo Washington D.C.

With Love and Kindness,


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