Friday, December 4, 2009


Want to buy a house? Take your pick, $l.00 each or $12 per dozen.

America's former poster city is disintegrating. Former mansions are abandoned

and boarded up. Weeds are growing in formerly posh areas with road boulevards.

Detroit used to be one of America' wealthiest cities. Detroit had the highest median

income in America, and the highest rate of home ownership. A highly skilled work force provided manufactured goods sold all over the world.

A city of almost 2 million residents has now houses less than 1 million. Many have

moved to the suburbs, but a lot have just quit the area and moved to Texas, California or Arizona, where employment is still possible. Many of those that remain are living in unemployment, poverty and despair. Of a gruesome note,corpses are piling up in the morgues, because survivors lack the money to bury them and the city is broke also without the funds for burials.

60,000 plus homes have been abandoned; gutted and laid bare, some just burned out shells plus hundreds of vacant and abandoned warehouses and factories.

Unemployment is running about 28 %--that's assuming you don't count those who have no prospects or intentions of finding a job. Ignorance, shiftlessness and crime abounds. Only 25% of high school freshman will achieve a diploma .

What caused this collapse of this prosperous sophisticated city?

1.Offshoring of American industry--the plants and jobs are gone.

2.Unions fixated on wages and benefits--not on making quality products that

people can afford.

3.corrupt politicians promising something for nothing, attracted the perennial

welfare abusers.

4. Debt mongers who have sold Americans on the have it now, pay for it later plan.

Is Detroit a model of things to come for America?

Most of the large cities and states are broke and lack an adequate tax base to become solvent.

We are net importers of goods, not exporters. Ever hear of "Trade deficits".

Our Federal Government, States, corporations, and citizens are hopelessly in debt.

Our school system is turning out poorly educated and motivated students.

Our moral fabric suggests a country that has lost its' way .

With Love and Kindness,


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