Saturday, December 12, 2009


Are Sheeple, those who are easily led by media propoganda and self serving

politicians really dumb and blind stupid or what?

Probably what, because many are intelligent, well educated and patriotic Americans.

They are the decent, respectable people we know well. They are our fellow employees, relatives, friends and neighbors. They see things in a straight forward manner, much like always.

"Things are not all that bad , now are they?"

"It is wonderful to be an American, part of the 'Free World'"

" We have to fight and die because others want to steal our liberty"

"Chinese, Russians and Arabs are dedicated to kill us"

"Muslims go to heaven if they die fighting the infidel Americans"

Sound familiar? They are the thoughts and expressions of the Sheeple who can be exposed to the truth in clearly stated articles and presentations, but are incapable of accepting this information because of firmly held contrary beliefs.

Are those who are in the herd because of "not knowing' or is it a willful ignorance?

To some who first heard, for example, about "The New World Order" intuition told them to look deeper--to examine the motives of those who thought this change was proper. Who were those who were touting this scheme, and why? What are their motives, who profits?

Sheeple, on the other hand, are people who such as in the example above, are confronted with the truth consistently, perhaps even daily, yet make the internal decision to ignore it, to block it out completely, to consciously make the decision that they will not even consider the possibility of the information’s validity.

Many people are barely involved in looking beyond their own horizons. They become apathetic and allow their environment, circumstance and TV 'news' to tell them what is what. They depend on their favorite columnist, politician or pastor for their serving of truth.

Sheeple can be confronted with the most irrefutable facts, but if this information is in contrast to what they 'know', their minds close up and refuse to acknowledge this truth. Their reactions can become emotional, indignant, even violent.

Unfortunately with mind sets so firmly set, we become easy victims of demagogues, who will patronize us and tell us what we want to hear to enrich themselves or further their own selfish world-controlling desires.

With Love and Kindness,


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