Monday, December 21, 2009


It would be a laughing out loud matter if it were not so darn serious.

Hillary Clinton rallied the global warming troops in Copenhagen with the proposal that the U.S. and other developed economics contribute $100 billion/year for ten years [to the World Bank] to mitigate the damaging effects of carbon dioxide. These clowns would be Hillaryious if it wasn't so tragic that they really mean it and will do it if they can get away with it.

President Obama was stood up [again] by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao after calling a meeting to tackle climate change consequences. Why is it that our enemies, China and Russia seem to have more common sense than we. But of course the real reason for the get together in Stockholm is to raid our treasury and prepare us for one world currency, one world digital central banking and one world government.

Notables attending and dissing capitalistic countries were Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Robert Mugabe dictator of Zimbawe of course as you know U.S. is

the greatest contributor of green house gases which is producing global warming,

high sea levels and the swamping of island paradises--just ask Al Gore.

Eithiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi representing all of Africa said he would accept $30 billion now and up to $100 billion later to help out with the climate change horrors.

The big spender Obama group pledged $10 billion to open the bidding. This is from a country which has an acknowledge $12 Trillion debt and will have to borrow $1.5

trillion just to meet current needs.

Copenhagen is about enrichment and powering of world elites and Powers that Be

at the expense and out of your pocket western peoples. The sham and scam of global warming has been exposed as baloney by noted scientists and most recently falsified data which was published, yet it goes on and on.

President Obama hailed the so called Copenhagen accord as an "unprecedented breakthrough"; however the conference attendees failed to formerly adopt adopt the accord.

With Love and Kindness,


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