Monday, December 7, 2009


The government is staffed with people who love spending money, as long as that money has been taken from others.

This trait has no limits. The big spenders love to throw money at every real or imagined problem. They are able to perceive an unlimited number of allocations

which in their distorted view believe are essential to our national security, freedom and world position.

Where would we be without Stimulus grants, education grants agriculture supports Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, SBA loans, FHA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Farm Home Loan Administration, SEC, FTC, FAA,FCC etc, etc.

Let's not forget some of the "wars". How about the War on Inflation, The War on Drugs, The War on Terror, the War on Price Gouging. Then there is the killing, maiming and destructive kind of wars: The WW's, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the Gulf War, the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War and enumerable crises of the Cold War. These efforts require guns, shells, airplanes, drones, bombs, rockets, mines and untold other expensive devices to carry out these necessary programs.

Where does all the money come from to pay for all this necessary activity?Go to the head of the class, the answer is TAXES. When however, the tax base gets to 45%-50% and the government needs are not met, what happens--these chiselers know that when taxes get above this, revolutions begin, so now what is the answer?

Aha, the government begins to borrow, first from their own citizens, then from foreign ones. When the spenders still not satiated. The Federal Reserve begins to CREATE MONEY. This in turn causes inflation, which causes a need for more inflation. When this creature begins to grow and take on a life of its own. What happens next? The death of a nation .

With Love and Kindness,


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