Wednesday, February 17, 2010


With all the justified criticisms of Obama, we look to the alternative. BUT Look again!

Obama just signed a bill raising the debt limit. No republican in the House or Senate voted for it. When George W. Bush was president and the GOP controlled both houses for most of his terms the debt limit was raised seven times.

The GOP talks a lot about smaller government, less spending and the like, but they are like the rest are crooks and liars. They lied about 911, they lied about weapons of mass destruction, they lied about Osama bin Laden. The gave us the Patriot Act They lied about Gitmo torture and took us to unprovoked war in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are pork barrelers big time,and freely accept the gratuities of corporate interests and Big Wall Street.

The point is that today's politicians, whether Republican or Democrat are not responsible to the voters, but to the fat cats that pay for their re-election. The only choice is 'none of the above' and absolutely none of the incumbents.

From: "Middle-Class Rage Against the Government" by Jack D. Douglas,

"The soaring, middle-class rage against government catastrophes, terrorism, and corruptions of all forms is in part due to the immense catastrophes they have seen government and Big Corporations working with government produce in front of their startled eyes over and over again. The Great Financial Crisis is certainly a colossal catastrophe they have seen crashing all around them, Government officials deny everything and try to blame it all on the local real estate guy or gal who worked with you to get a mortgage for your home, But even the terminally ignorant and dumb see that government did not prevent it and intelligent people are perfectly aware the government not only was the prime mover of it all by getting interest rates below zero in real terms and the government is now giving vast piles of their money to the Big Bank Perps, rewarding the corporate perps for the catastrophe they helped to create.

But they are also seeing the government catastrophes erupting ever more frequently everywhere, from Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan to Katrina in New Orleans and even to police terrorism in our homes and FDA catastrophes across the board endangering all of us."


With Love and Kindness,


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