Monday, February 8, 2010


You sound incredibly like Hillary Clinton, the original foot in mouth spokeswoman. Why should we attack or support an attack on Iran. They have done nothing to us, nor are we in jeopardy in any way except for a retaliation for an attack on them.

You could be the Republican hope for the future. Every foreign war in the 1900s and 2000,s was started by a Democrat president until George Bush and George W. Bush and their cronies, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz and Gates. The Neocons took over the GOP and changed what the party had stood for. The GOP believed in non-intervention in foreign wars; A strong military as being the best deterrent to war; a strong limited federal government which lived within it's means and did not needlessly interfere with he rights and freedoms of the citizens.

Mrs, Palin, you could lead the way to return to Republican values instead of acting like an airhead with a pretty face, having an understanding of only superficial issues You and your running mate were defeated because the people wanted change from the Bush doctrines of war, spending and big bank cronyism. What they got with Obama was actually no change except for an aggressive Socialist/Communistic program.

Do you not know that there is a Great Silent Majority in this country that long for a return to moderate Republican ideals. By playing up to the Neocons and the Israel interests you might get a place on the GOP ticket, but you will be defeated again by this Silent Majority .

Please open your eyes to the real world and understand that Israel is not our friend.

This nation is the friend of no other nation, except themselves. Yes, they gladly receive our billions in aid and weapons, but will not respect human rights and the rights of other nations in their neighborhood. They cry wolf about Iran's nuclear weapons program, while not opening their own weapons program to international inspection. They are not a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty. Iran is a signatory and is and has been subject to repeated inspections, Iran's nuclear weapons program smells a lot like Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction".

With Love and Kindness,


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