Tuesday, February 9, 2010


RE: 'Spending America Into Ruin" by Eric Margollis, wwwLew Rockwell.com

This is not a new subject, but comes easily to mind hearing the mindless nonsense

spouted by our public servants and wouldabes.

Quoting Margollis "One of history’s most important lessons is that politicians should never be given a free hand to borrow money to cover the costs of wars, overseas adventures, or military spending.

More empires have been brought down by reckless spending than by invaders. The late Soviet Union, which wrecked its economy by buying too many tanks[and invading Afghanistan], is the most recent example. Now, the United States appears headed in the same direction.

Even so, President Barack Obama calls the US $3.8 trillion budget he just sent to Congress a major step in restoring America’s economic health.

What a dope, liar and idiot. Further, they have no respect for our constitution framed government nor the oaths they took to defend same. We elect people with absolutely no character, or principles other than to get into and stay in office.

The pig pen we call our national offices, executive, congressional and federal courts is overrun with swine wearing 3 button suits and icon flags in their lapels, mostly without a clue as to what the constitution says or even what it looks like and needless to say, what makes this country work and what made it great.

Yesterday, the GOP poster child, Sarah Palin was in Texas campaigning ostensibly for Rick Perry, speaking in one-liners someone had written for her, when she mentioned secession [probably to ditch it], the crowd erupted in thunderous applause and cheering, practically blowing her away.

Yesterday and today the world's super bankers are meeting in secret to determine our fate as well as others, since we turned over our financial sovereignty to them decades ago. How can this happen? We allowed it to happen by electing dopes, liars and idiots to be in charge of our affairs. They spent us into servitude with needless and expansive wars, social program give-a-ways and big non-representative government.[ e.g.Mrs. Pelosi's Boeing 757 ]

America has become the Sick Man of the Western World, an economic cripple like the defunct Ottoman Empire whose inept financial management was legendary.

Increasing numbers of Americans are rightly outraged and fearful of runaway deficits. But many do not understand their political leaders are also spending their nation into ruin through unnecessary foreign wars and a vainglorious attempt to control much of the globe – what neocons call "full spectrum dominance" – using the canard of terrorism to justify an imperial policy that often closely resembles that of the old British Empire.

Who sends these incompetent irresponsible dopes, liars and idiots to Washington?

No not some liberals in Massachusetts or Connecticut--We do ! By looking at candidates through smoke filled glasses and voting with party labels. We the electorate continue to choose between bad and worse--the only choices offered to us by the 'system'

With Love and Kindness,


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