Friday, January 22, 2010


RE:"Fear Rules" by Paul Craig Roberts--www. Information Clearing House 1/19/10

America is in the grip of FEAR. The citizens have given up their rights of free men

in favor of security and safety. It is certainly understandable considering the fear messages coming out of DC, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh ,Pat Robertson and Pastor


Certainly the cry "to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here" seems

appropriate until you realize that Iraq doesn't have any stealth bombers and missiles. Afghanistan hardly can put a row boat in the water, let alone a battleship or aircraft carrier. The only way they have to attack us over here is if we permit the use of our

commercial aircraft, or allow penetration of our borders, which leak like a sieve.

If these conflicts are real and not the creation of the collectivists, then why has victory alluded us. Certainly not for lack of men, money and material and nine years of war Question: who benefits from this constant warfare? Is it the military/industrial complex and the bankers from who we get the money?

Quoting Roberts: "Americans are at ease with their country’s aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, which has resulted in a million dead Muslim civilians and several million refugees, because the US government has filled Americans with fear of terrorists."

Fearful of American citizens, the US government is building concentration camps apparently all over the country. According to news reports, a $385 million US government contract was given by the Bush/Cheyenne Regime to Cheyennes company, Halliburton, to build “detention centers” in the US. The corporate media never explained for whom the detention centers are intended.

Most Americans dismiss such reports. “It can’t happen here.” However, In northeastern Florida not far from Tallahassee, I have seen what might be one of these camps. There is a building inside a huge open area fenced with razor wire. There is no one there and no signs. The facility appears new and unused and does not look like an abandoned prisoner work camp.

What is it for?

Who spent all that money for what?

There are Americans who are so terrified of their lives being taken by terrorists that they are hoping the US government will use nuclear weapons to destroy “the Muslim enemy.” The justifications concocted for the use of nuclear bombs against Japanese civilian populations have had their effect. There are millions of Americans who wish “their” government would kill everyone that “their” government has demonized.

When I tell these people that they will die of old age without ever seeing a terrorist, they think I am insane. Don’t I know that terrorists are everywhere in America? That’s why we have airport security and homeland security. That’s why the government is justified in breaking the law to spy on citizens without warrants. That’s why the government is justified to torture people in violation of US law and the Geneva Conventions. If we don’t torture them, American cities will go up in mushroom clouds. Dick Cheyenne tells us this every week.

Terrorists are everywhere. “They hate us for our freedom and democracy.” When I tell America’s alarmed citizens that the US has as many stolen elections as any country and that our civil liberties have been eroded by “the war on terror” they lump me into the terrorist category. They automatically conflate factual truth with anti-Americanism.

The US has a much higher percentage of its population in prison than “authoritarian” countries, such as China, a one-party state. An intelligent population might wonder how a “freedom and democracy” country could have incarceration rates far higher than a dictatorship, but Americans fail this test. The more people that are put in prison, the safer Americans feel."

Well stated Mr. Roberts. We know what is happening to us, but seem powerless to do anything about it. In the aftermath of 9/11 the congress quickly passed the infamous Patriot Act taking away basic freedoms we had enjoyed for over 200 years: George W. Bush claimed the mandate to make war anywhere and everywhere they suspected anti American sympathies. Do you feel safer nine years, 1 trillion dollars and countless deaths and casualties later?

With Love and Kindness,


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