Wednesday, January 20, 2010


RE:"Feeds the Rich.buries the poor" by James Quinn-www.TheBurningPlatform

Tuesday 1/19/10, a remarkable thing happened; a Republican was elected to the Senate from Massachusetts--"Ted Kennedy's seat" no less. Scott Brown defeated Martha Coakley, the governor appointed Senator to temporarily fill the vacated Kennedy seat until this election. Asked if the election was a referendum on Obama, Brown replied "No, it's bigger than that". " I just focused on the issues,terror, taxes and healthcare plan"

Does this mean Obama's healthcare is doomed? Possibly, but look for the PTB to

rally and find a way to pass legislation that we don't want or need. Because a Republican was elected is no real cause for celebration, remember it was a Republican administration that gave us huge deficits, the Patriot Act, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and torture of prisoners.

The question asked in the referenced article is how long can the people allow their

government to bully and threaten them into conforming to their view of reality.

America is now facing a severe and insidious threat to the freedom and liberty mandate in the founding of the country.

"We need tough hardened individualists who are willing to say enough is enough. Our government has been corrupted by weak men slithering around the halls of Congress soliciting for money, an evil banking cartel creating fiat money, corporate fascists paying off criminals in Washington DC, and the military industrial complex enforcing Washington’s power across the globe. The country longs for an Andrew Jackson or a Dwight Eisenhower. Instead we are stuck with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi."

"This country achieved greatness because Americans took chances, had the freedom to succeed or fail, picked themselves up when they failed, and lived their lives within a moral framework of fairness and honesty. That flame of independence and freedom is dying out. Americans no longer believe in shared sacrifice, working hard, honoring a sense of civic duty, morality, or modesty. A private banking cartel controls the purse strings and protects its bank owners and its protectors in Congress. The President wages wars across the globe without Constitutional approval from Congress that is required. Agencies of government operate in secret, assassinating foreign enemies, fomenting unrest in other countries, and spying on Americans. Look at the fear we’re feeding. Look at the lives we’re leading."

"We’ve sacrificed freedom for enslavement by fascist corporatism. We’ve sacrificed peace for never ending war. Your government knows everything you are doing. They can monitor your phone calls. They can monitor your emails. They can watch your every move with satellites. They can brand you a terrorist, break down your front door and take you away. All of this can be done in the name of safety. We have allowed this to happen with virtually no debate or dissent from the masses. These choices have led our once great Republic to the edge of the abyss. As we stare into this abyss we have a choice. If we continue on our current path we are destined for a brutish future of totalitarianism, wars, resource depletion, and violent conflicts across the globe."

What is happening to our country is not new, it has happened to other states

throughout history when the populace became comfortable, complacent and relied upon platitudes instead of reality. As before, the citizens were aware of what was happening, but refused to acknowledge the reality of what lie ahead.

They waited until the government marauders came in the night, broke down their doors and hauled them off to prisons and camps. Don't wait too long!

With Love and Kindness,


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