Friday, January 8, 2010


The Afghanistan surge is in full bloom behind electrified fences, sandbags and blast proof fortifications, but these "soldiers" are not carrying weapons, they are Chinese,

preparing to mine copper for the China Metallurgical Group Corporation according to the N.Y. Times.

The U.S. is spending $ X billions of dollars fighting the Taliban and al Qaeda while China

is making hay while the sun is shining. They need raw material for their aggessive

booming economy and are spending their foreign reserves to secure the materials

they need now and in the future.

We produce war, they produce goods. According to the Central Asia-Caucasus, "We do the heavy lifting and they pick the fruit." It might be different if we were stabilizing the country, but in fact chaos reigns, their government is but a U.S. puppet without support of the masses.

We are securing the market for their opium, being in cahoots with theTaliban when it suits our financial masters, who care not about Afghanistan, but only about elicit profits.

The "Yankee Trader" of old is now a war maker and drug merchant.

With Love and Kindness,


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