Thursday, January 28, 2010


Many who have been terminated will not ever return to their former job. The job is gone and for many, even the business that provided the job is closed and no longer exists.

Since our population is not shrinking, even though it is greying, where will the jobs come from to provide for our needs. We have enough lawyers, maids, sales reps, stock brokers, insurance agents, relators and bankers. These occupations just distribute the wealth; they don't create it. Created wealth makes jobs.

Wealth is created by tilling and planting the soil, mining and drilling natural resources and manufacturing or building something. Intellectual creations such as software creation, books and articles comes in there someplace as well.

No way does government create wealth or jobs from it. They make jobs, but they are not self -sustaining jobs, because no wealth is created, and they depend on the effort of others to sustain their activities. Government has been very active in creating jobs during this downturn which started in 2001. The military expansion and wars have created hundreds of thousands of jobs, but no wealth save that of arms sold to other countries. Obama and his minions have created about 300,000 new jobs in government positions, yet 7 million jobs have been lost.

Today, there are 22.5 million federal employees.(which doesn't count people employed by state, county and municipal governments) Even with the above expansions and stimulus, joblessness continues to increase if you disregard the faux numbers the Department of Labor puts out. As a job maker, the new New Deal is a total flop.[not exactly what the president claimed in his State of the Union address] At last count 42 of the 50 states were out of money and could not hire new employees.

The Bureau of Labor statistics has predicted that 3 million jobs per year for

the next 7 years will be created. Here is their list of the fastest growing jobs:

  • Personal and home care aides
  • Home health aides [apparently different from above category]
  • Substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors
  • Skin care specialists
  • Gaming surveillance officers and gaming investigators
  • Mental health counselors
  • Mental health and substance abuse social workers
  • Gaming and sports book writers and runners
  • Manicurists and pedicurists
  • Environmental science and protection technicians, including health \
  • Alas, they think we are to be a nation of sickly, obese, druggies with beautiful skin and fingernails.

It is nonsense like this which pervades our government that claims to know what is best for us.

With Love and Kindness,


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